Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Barash the Den Mother

Barash the Den Mother. A Level 78 Elite beast. Find her on Netherwing Ledge, in Shadowmoon Valley, at 70/83.

You can also kill Nethermine Flayers there -- you get Nethermine Flayer hides, Knothides and  other assorted leathers.

I died there after killing the Den Mother several times (she mobbed me with some of her friends). Instead of having to find my corpse, my live body was instantly transported to Sanctum of the Stars! Very cool....

I came back for more, and discovered Dragonmaw Peons (lvl 68), happily giving up Netherweave Cloth (x3) whenever they died. This was at 68/85.

Chief Overseer Mudlump (beater of peons, level 70) is there too, at 67/86 in the Dragonmaw Base Camp, if you're looking for him. But you have to get past some gnarly-bad Dragonmaw Enforcers (level 72 elite) to get into his compound.

Monday, July 19, 2010

WoW Leatherworking Skills Progression: Knothide

This is the first entry in my new blog. You'll probably be interested if you:

1) Play World of Warcraft online;
2) Are trying to level your Leatherworking skills.

Between levels 300 and 375, you're burning through a lot of Knothide leather.  Here are some good sources:

  • Blackwind Sabercats in Blackwind Valley (that's in the Skethyl Mountains near Terokkar Forest). At 73.5/71.7, there's a cave they hang out in.  You can farm the valley, then the cave, over and over. When skinned, they drop Knothide with a 100% frequency. Start at the cave (73.5/71.7). Kill the cats outside the cave, then go towards 71.7/73.2, killing cats as you find them. There are 5 or 6 outside the cave.  Run back towards the cave until you reach 73.3/73.0.  Turn East and fly through the canyon towards 77.0/73.7. You can usually find a couple more (up to 3) while the ones you just killed respawn.  Then it's back to the cave, and repeat. You'll have some rest time (you can kill a little faster than they can spawn), but the area is very productive.
  • Nagrand at 54/46. Ignore the bison; concentrate on the antelope-looking mobs. I forget what they're called, but there are about 15 acres of mobs to farm there.
  • Keep going back to the Masterwork Leather Trainer in Nagrand, and when you pick up patterns that require Fel Scales, switch to Shardhide Boars. They drop Fel Scales (about 50%) and produce Knothide when skinned at about 50% as well. They live on the Vortex Pinnacle, in Blades Edge Mountains. They're on the very top of a mountain at 31/72, on about five acres of flat ground. They respawn as quickly as you can kill them, but I noticed that after about an hour they start spawning more slowly. There are also Aether Rays there -- when skinned they produce knothide at about 95%.  
  • When you get patterns that don't require Fel Scales, switch back to the Blackwind Sabercats. Past level 350, I'm told you can get patterns that no longer require Knothide. I recommend that and will update this post when I experience this for myself. 

Keep checking back.

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